#39 – Kerplunk

Toothbrushes are one of those things that I really need to replace for a long time before I replace them. I should probably make a point to walk by the toothbrush section every time I’m at the store and buy a bunch the next time they are on sale. Never know when you might need a fresh one.

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4 thoughts on “#39 – Kerplunk”

  1. Ian says:

    I once saw a place that sold toothbrushes in bulk. Something like $400 for a dozen gross (~1700). Imagine being completely set form life on one item… (1000 toothbrushes, 75 pairs of shoes…)

    1. kingklash says:

      That’d be cool and all, but how are you fixed for blades?

      1. bc says:

        I don’t know about you, all my toothbrushes come with the blades built in.

  2. AustynSN says:

    I buy a new toothbrush every time I buy a new tube of toothpaste.

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