#283 – Crunchy

Why do I love the folded chips so much? I guess they are extra crunchy. Slightly burned? My son even knows if he comes across one to give it to me to see me smile.

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14 thoughts on “#283 – Crunchy”

  1. ZeoViolet says:

    But no brown M & M’s!

  2. DrMathochist says:

    The true story of the M&Ms is even cooler than the myth of spoiled rock stars. Folded potato chips would serve the same purpose nicely.

  3. SwitchLord says:

    They hold more dip.

  4. kingklash says:

    Ooh! Folded chips and a can of spray cheese to fill them with!

    1. PLipsig says:

      omg, I’m not the only one!

  5. DanO says:

    In Australia, we sometimes call them “wish chips” … when you bite into one.. you get to make a wish.

    1. Kintrex says:

      I didn’t realize Australia had such strict wishing regulations. Do you get fined if you make a wish on a normal chip?

    2. Taurin says:

      They’re wish chips here in Canada, too…well, at least Ottawa.

      1. extremist343 says:

        No, I’m pretty certain that’s all of Canada, it’s the same here in Edmonton so…

  6. Dwightk says:

    Half popped popcorn kernels for me

    1. THIS. I wonder how many pags you’d have to pop to gather a bug full of half-popped kernels.

      1. Of course I meant “bags” and “bag.”

  7. Heather B says:

    What IS it about the folded chips?! They are the best! Your comics are awesome, by the way. Glad I found you!

    1. Chris says:

      Thanks 🙂

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