#283 – Crunchy
Posted on January 22, 2013 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comic
Why do I love the folded chips so much? I guess they are extra crunchy. Slightly burned? My son even knows if he comes across one to give it to me to see me smile.
Tags: maybe you call them crisps, potato chips, rock star, snacks
But no brown M & M’s!
The true story of the M&Ms is even cooler than the myth of spoiled rock stars. Folded potato chips would serve the same purpose nicely.
They hold more dip.
Ooh! Folded chips and a can of spray cheese to fill them with!
omg, I’m not the only one!
In Australia, we sometimes call them “wish chips” … when you bite into one.. you get to make a wish.
I didn’t realize Australia had such strict wishing regulations. Do you get fined if you make a wish on a normal chip?
They’re wish chips here in Canada, too…well, at least Ottawa.
No, I’m pretty certain that’s all of Canada, it’s the same here in Edmonton so…
Half popped popcorn kernels for me
THIS. I wonder how many pags you’d have to pop to gather a bug full of half-popped kernels.
Of course I meant “bags” and “bag.”
What IS it about the folded chips?! They are the best! Your comics are awesome, by the way. Glad I found you!
Thanks 🙂