#34 – Cement
Posted on February 2, 2012 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comic
It’s amazing how touchy oatmeal can be. Too much water and you get runny goop. Not enough and it solidifies into a solid block halfway down to your stomach.
Tags: breakfast, goop, oatmeal
Get it just right, and some bratty little half-pint girl breaks into your house and eats it.
All breakfast foods seem to be like that. Cereal turns into sludge. Toast gets cold and hard. Eggs and bacon… well, nobody would ever get distracted from those. So they’re basically the perfect breakfast food.
You use water? Milk or nothing for me.
Wait what? You eat oatmeal without any liquid in it? Does that mean that it’s just oats and no meal? Waaaiit… are you a horse?