Awww… that shall be me tomorrow.
Today was a day where I forgot how to sleep… looked at the clock, and said to myself, “Well, if I get to sleep NOW… then I should have already gotten up half an hour ago.”
Solution: start giving them responsibilities to avoid. In this case, I’d recommend some form of yardwork, especially if it’s cold outside. That kid’ll be back in a warm comfy bed in no time.
My parents took advantge by teaching me to how to use the coffeemaker before I turned on the TV at 6:00 in the morning. I kept the volume low, and they had a fresh pot waiting when they got up.
my problem is my biological clock recognizes that I hate the sound of the alarm and starts waking me up like 2 min before it’s supposed to go off. Just enough time to look at the clock and go DANG IT!
this is a slightly different story, but I once saw my clock said 12:02 (at night) but my little kid brain saw it as the afternoon, so I got all ready for school and woke my parents. who then told me to go back to bed because it was nighttime.
Awww… that shall be me tomorrow.
Today was a day where I forgot how to sleep… looked at the clock, and said to myself, “Well, if I get to sleep NOW… then I should have already gotten up half an hour ago.”
“You just earned yourself an hour long time out, buddy.”
Solution: start giving them responsibilities to avoid. In this case, I’d recommend some form of yardwork, especially if it’s cold outside. That kid’ll be back in a warm comfy bed in no time.
My parents took advantge by teaching me to how to use the coffeemaker before I turned on the TV at 6:00 in the morning. I kept the volume low, and they had a fresh pot waiting when they got up.
my problem is my biological clock recognizes that I hate the sound of the alarm and starts waking me up like 2 min before it’s supposed to go off. Just enough time to look at the clock and go DANG IT!
this is a slightly different story, but I once saw my clock said 12:02 (at night) but my little kid brain saw it as the afternoon, so I got all ready for school and woke my parents. who then told me to go back to bed because it was nighttime.