#139 – Heated
Posted on June 28, 2012 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comic
I remember making macaroni & cheese for the first time. I got to the “bring water to a boil” step and was stumped. I asked my mom how to tell when it was boiling. “You’ll see lots of tiny bubbles rising to the top.” I spent the next 5 minutes running back and forth telling her what was happening and asking if that meant it was boiling. When it finally happened I said “Oh! It’s so obvious, I get it now!”
Tags: blood, boiling, cooking
“Hot blooded! Check it and see!”
All four of us kids can cook to some extent, thanks to Ma. She encopuraged us to help in the kitchen, or at least watch what she was doing. Sometimes, she’d have to attend to a private phone call, and one of us would be running back and forth to the stove. “Go check the pan, and tell me what it looks like.” “Okay, now turn it over/stir it/lower the heat to medium, and check it in about five minutes, and tell me what it looks like.” Imagine my surprise when I realized I can actually cook!
Ooh! Full color cartoon!