#38 – Flavor

This would happen to me frequently at work. I would have a design project that I’m in the middle of and I finish the cup of tea I’m drinking. I don’t have time to make more tea so I just fill up my mug with water. While I’m choosing fonts I absentmindedly reach for my tea and take a sip. Now I can’t finish the design before making more tea.

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8 thoughts on “#38 – Flavor”

  1. Miles says:

    Holy moley, do I know that feeling! One memorable moment was when someone handed me a bottle of Dasani, and all I knew of it was that it was bottled by the Coca Cola bottling company. I thought it was going to be a drink like Sprite. You need not imagine my surprise.

    1. Robert Kelly says:

      For future reference, Sprite is in a green bottle and Dasani is in a blue/clear bottle. Just saved your life, your welcome!

  2. Katie says:

    That happened to me this morning, sort of. I usually get coffee in the morning, but today I got green tea instead. I was stopped at a red light, so I took a sip, and was really confused about the taste of my coffee, until I remembered it was tea.

  3. Reavenk says:

    I used to drink lemon water in class. That’s a rude awakening when you forget it’s not normal water.

  4. kingklash says:

    Then, there’s that really weird instant when your taste buds don’t seem to work, because you were expecting one flavor, and got something else entirely.

  5. PsychoDuck says:

    The worst version of this is when you order a glass of Sprite at a restaurant and their fountain just ran out of syrup. Looks the same, but tastes like death.

    The Duck Has Spoken.

    1. Chris says:

      Ugh, the worst.

  6. Merenwen says:

    Oh I had this feeling when I went to france. My hostparents gave me a can and I thought it is some kind of sprite. But it was water!! (Called Perifier or so)

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